
Basilica of Superga


Community of the Friars, Servants of St. Mary


House of Reception and Hospitality for Pilgrims and Visitors

 The Centre has recently been created in the convent in order to offer hospitality to all those who wish to spend a few moments of silence and meditation, or simply want to appreciate the very special atmosphere that the magnificent masterpiece created by  Filippo Juvarra arouses in the soul of man.

The building is organized in single or double bedrooms of the eighteenth century, all equipped with modern bathrooms. From the windows of the bedrooms, which you reach from two monumental corridors on the second and fourth floor and that can give hospitality up to 40 people, you can admire one of the most beautiful views of Europe.

Furthermore the House is provided with several rooms for meetings, conferences, TV watching and free time. 

Italian breakfast is included (coffe, tea, milk, bread, butter, jam).

Near the Basilica there are some restaurants where the guests of the House can have lunch or dinner at special prices.


Youth Hostel

 Hospitality for the youth is offered in the rooms next to the outer garden. The Youth Hostel is organized in order to receive groups of over 50 young people in three dormitories with bunk beds. The Hostel is equipped with an independent kitchen, a dining room, a playroom and all related services, for disabled people too.



To receive further information or for yr reservation please contact:

Sig. Roberto Beda robertobeda91@gmail.com

Phone Number: 0039 11 8980083

Fax Number: 0039 11 8987024



(Si ringrazia la Sig.ra Paola Francescucci per la traduzione)


Trattoria Cooperativa "SUPERGA" Via Superga, 60 - tel. 0119431720 - chiuso il martedì - dista 600 metri dalla Basilica,per ulteriori informazioni contattare direttamente il gestore.

Trattoria "Bel Deuit" Via Superga, 58 - tel. 0119431719 - chiusura mercoledì tutto il giorno e giovedì mattino - dista 600 metri dalla Basilica, per ulteriori informazioni contattare direttamente il gestore.

Agriturismo "Ai Guiet" Via Superga, 48/I - tel. 0119407560 - giorni di apertura: da martedì a venerdì solo serale, sab/dom pranzo e cena - dista 1200 metri dalla Basilica - parcheggio auto interno - per ulteriori informazioni contattare direttamente il gestore.

Pizzeria "IL GRANDE GIOVE" di Ferrero Mario - tel. 0119408212 Via Superga 36 Baldissero Torinese, per ulteriori informazioni contattare direttamente il gestore.

Pagina Web ideata e realizzata da:  Pier Vincenzo Salviato -  nulla osta e responsabile del sito: Padre Benedetto Marengo Rettore della Basilica

Aprile 2001